I've meant to write so many times in the last month but haven't for one reason or another. I mean to write on thanksgiving of my feelings of gratitude, I meant to write before Christmas about the angel tree child I donated for and post photos of the quilt I made and my mom helped me to put together. Now it is past Christmas and nearing the new year and I'm reflecting on the things that I have done over the last twelve months and what the next twelve will hold. I hope to accomplish and learn much and that I will appreciate more.
This new year I hope to be able to have brighter outlook on life in general and that I will find more strength and confidence in myself than I have hitherto exhibited. I like to think that among the new years resolutions that I might make before Thursday I might actually achieve at least one as I have not done in the recent years past. For those of you I didn't get to see at any time during the holiday season, I wish you a belated Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.