Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Secrets of Charm

In my previous entry I mentioned the book, The Secrets of Charm, by John Robert Powers and Mary Sue Miller.  John Robert Powers is probably best known for the school/agency of acting and modeling he established that is still running today.   However he was also an author and teacher of programs in self improvement and confidence building by making the most of your natural assets.

Mr. Powers says, "In many years of experience guiding girls and women to their individually chosen goals in every field it is a matter of record that I have never met an unattractive woman--only the one who did not know how to make the most of her natural, attractive self."

The Secrets of Charm was a book written, in 1954, for the average woman of society as a self improvement book.  It seems it covers everything from how you stand, to budgeting for a well put together wardrobe, to even speech grooming.  A sort of "do it yourself"/finishing school book.  Unfortunately this book is out of print.  I just happened across a copy 10 years ago when a then local department store's display department was getting rid of a box full of books.  I remember skimming through it then, however I never read it from cover to cover.  As an experiment I thought I would go through it step by step and do my best to apply myself to what I find in it's pages...