(Or however you spell that word)
Yes once again it's time for the annual valentine's scavenger hunt. Who knew that one year's event could become a favorite tradition. I'm proud of myself that I was still able to pull this off before Josh got home as his new schedule has him getting off of work at 10:30 am.

This year has given me a challenge to find ways of using my talents to come up with gifts made from things we already had. (I'll admit I had to buy one or two things to put this together) I'll be forever grateful for already established traditions, because it's a given that I will be making strawberry rice krispy treats, gingersnaps and chocolate covered Strawberries but I am truly grateful for the ideas I was given for the rest of the gifts I used for this activity.

I think the funnest thing is to see the look on someone's face as they are trying to follow little clues you've written around the house. Even more fun is how they look as they investigate the little treasures left for them and the hugs you get afterward.

I have so much fun coming up with these things but this years was the first time I was home when Josh was solving my game. I've always prepared it before leaving for work and then come home after the fact. Today was a treat!
1 comment:
Awww, Cute! Lace - you are such a food connoisseur!
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