Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Weekly Wednesday
Dear Readers:
Unfortunately due to many stresses on my body this week, I am unable to do a proper Wednesday blog. I will however give you a few little yardly news updates....
I finally got my raised bed frame, have built it and have acquired the nessesary soils needed to setup my garden on the cement pad on the south side of the house!! I can't wait to get started. I promise that in the next few days I will post the updated photo's I took of everything today.
I also finally planted my second batch of seeds but this time it was mostly flowers. Like my others I will be sharing them with a friend but I intend to plant at least some of these in the flower bed on the corner of our side walk as it rounds the house. I have been making some progress on that area as well but my mom pointed out that I was doing it the hard way and made a suggestion that should expedite the entire clean-up process.
Anyway, hope that your week has been lovely, and I look forward to writing again really soon.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
I have come to the conclusion that my progress is hampered by the fact that I don't eat in any sort of natural rhythm. I eat "grazing" style when I have nothing particular to do and when I have a project I'm really focused on like when I'm working outside I don't eat until I get light headed, shaky or a headache. I am pretty good about drinking water and sun-coverage however, never fear. Well, nothing lost but also nothing gained! Alright I own up to it, I'm not the world's best example of self control when it comes to food and my weight. Thus our weekly fess-up sessions. At least this is helping me to write every week, though...
So with the non-committal weather typical of the Utah Spring season, it has been very touch and go with the yard so far. Very irksome, however we will prevail! Do you remember the photos I showed you two weeks ago, of the blackberry walk in the back of the yard? I was able to capture a little snapshot for you to show you the progress I have made with it so far.
I know it looks like only a little, because I have also been working on clearing up the top of the yard so that I can get my raised bed in, and plant my veg and herb sprouts. Here is what I have been working on:
I promise I will make sure to post updates as soon as I can on these. Unfortunately I decided to work until after dark, literally. It was 9:49 pm when I finally came inside for good. So it was a little too dark to take photos for you on my progress. Until next time.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday Weigh-In
Ok, bear in mind that I just ate a Junior Crown burger and Fries plus fry-sauce, but yeah a whopping 175 lbs. I spent most of the last week working and doing family stuff. It decided to rain for the last few days, so I ended up taking some personal time, working on the laundry (that was way over due) and attempting to unearth our stationary bike so that I can start using it. After spending 12 hours on it today alone, I managed to get it from paper ocean to pond. I also rearranged the drawers of the filing cabinet so that I could fit more supplies in it, but have yet to finish sorting one drawer. Whew, I know it may not look like much work, but I'm beat.
Once I get a little farther along on my projects around the house and have made some headway toward finishing the sewing on my kitchen table I promise to start posting a little more regularly than just once a week. I may even use those projects for post subjects! ^.~ We'll see. Anyway have a good week, all.
PS: A little language lesson for you. For those of you who haven't guessed yet, "Fraises" (fr-eh-zuh) means Strawberry in French and "Myrtilles" (mer-tee) means blueberries. So dear readers, that's right our blog name means Strawberries and Blueberries. I have always been drawn to the delicious berries and fruits of the summer and fall, and have many fond memories of eating strawberries, blueberries and ice cream. I like to think that my life, like these two flavors, is a mix of sweet and sour.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In
Ok, ok so I haven't lost any weight, nor did I really exercise this last week.....but I have an excellent excuse! I worked everyday since last week on Monday. Often at both jobs. You'll be proud to know I have been working in the yard though. I've been given the assignment to tackle and re-spruce-up my father-in-law's back yard, and as you can see by the photo's I have my work cut out for me.
First on the list is to clean-up the walk at the back of the yard and to cut back the blackberry vines and the Lilac bushes. I have about a couple of years worth of leaves I'm in the process of raking up and a lot of weed grass to pull-up as well. Since the weather cleared up on Monday, I have spent every hour I've had from when I get to home from work to about 6 or 7 pm outside. I hope that by this time next week I'll have made enough of a dent to be able to take some more photos for you. Until next time.....
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