On the suggestion of Uncle Rick, Grammy and Grandpa decided to take us to a look out point at the top of Devou Park. What a show we must have put on trying to find it! At one point Josh said that in the car there were, "too many chiefs and not enough indians."

After we made it up to the highest point at Dee's Pavillion. We were trying to find the way down through the park to get out. It is a huge park and very confusing, I think Grandpa said that part of the park even contains a golf course. In our travels through the park we ran across the historical Behringer-Crawford Museum. Now, this was the very museum that I had asked Grandpa if we could visit when we got here on Saturday night. Grandpa had replied that he had always wanted to visit it. Though later when he tried to find it Grandpa said he couldn't figure out where it was.
It covered the history of Northern Kentucky, as well as the history of the Ohio River. We had a good time looking at how the area had changed over time. Josh liked looking at the different examples of cannon ball and shot as well as the other relics of various wars and military presence. Grammy got a kick out of an interactive section highlighting the steamboat era on the Ohio river. There were various sounds that you could play and she told us what it had been like to hear those sounds over the river when she was younger. She said she missed the days of the Ohio Queen and the sounds of her calliope drifting up and down the river.
Lastly we went to a hole in the wall seafood joint called the Bayou. Grammy was really edgy about eating there. It wasn't very large, nor especially classy. The menu consisted of three kinds of fried fish and shrimp plus the catch of the day. There were sides like coleslaw and gumbo (which was really good, but spicy). It was a suggestion by Uncle Rick since he found out I like fish and seafood. It was really yummy. I think the fish won Grammy over even if she wasn't especially in love with the location of the eatery or the caliber of it's decor. I definitely want to come here again.
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